Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Saudia Arabia Honors an Islamist

King Salman of Saudi Arabia, one of our staunch "allies" has just awarded Dr. Zakir Naik, a prominent televangelist from India, one of his country's highest awards - the King Faisal International Prize for services to Islam.

I thought one should be made aware of whom Saudi Arabia decides to honor.

Here are some quotes and ideas attributed to Dr. Naik:  (NY Times, March 3)

Re Osama bin Laden:  "If he is terrorizing America the terrorist, the biggest terrorist, I am with him.  Every Muslim should be a terrorist."

Re the Jews:  "The Jews are a minority less than 5 percent in America but they are controlling the economy, they are controlling America."

Re 9/11:  ".....it is a blatant open secret that this attack on the twin towers was done by George Bush himself."

Re 9/11:  "....the amount of ample evidence, a fool will know this is an inside job."

Re other religions:  Apostates who propagate other religions should be killed.

Re the United Sates:  "Is the US really bothered about human rights? No!"

Re Islamic State:   He was against its actions if the media had reported them correctly, although he had no way of knowing.

The words and thoughts of Saudi Arabia's honoree.

It might also be of interest to readers that Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world (please correct me if I'm wrong) that is named for its founding royal family (Al Saud).  This is said to express the view that the country is, in fact, the personal possession of the family for whom it is named.

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