Wednesday, February 29, 2012

More Church-State Issues. Where Does It End?

Should an organization morally opposed to certain behavior accept funding from organizations that support such behavior?  Is it ethically proper for such an organization to employ individuals who support such behavior, thereby paying them a salary which could be used in its support?

Should a religious organization operating in the public sphere be permitted to operate without adhering to the regulations affecting that public sphere?  Should this organization employ taxpayers whose taxes will support the regulations to which the organization is opposed?

If contraception, or some other issue, is contrary to your moral and ethical code, then not only should you not provide services supporting these unacceptable actions to your employees, but you should be certain that any salary paid to your employees not be spent on such activities, either directly, or indirectly via donation to organizations supporting them.  Perhaps all employees should be asked to sign a statement indicating that they will refrain from expending salary on activities deemed immoral or unethical by the employer.

If you, as my employer, will not provide insurance to cover certain approved medical procedures due to  moral issues with the procedures, then how can it be morally correct for you to hire me and furnish me with a salary knowing that it will be used to participate in these "immoral actions?"  What you are really doing is "laundering" the financing of the procedures by paying me to buy it indirectly, rather than my obtaining it directly through an employer-supported insurance plan.

Now what?

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